Saturday, May 26, 2012

Geography from A-Z -A picture Glossary by Jack Knowlton

GeoAZAssalamu alaykum( May Peace be Upon You),

Geography from A-Z -A picture Glossary by Jack Knowlton, is one book that we got last year in the Summer. It is a cute, comfortable size and not too thick with geography terms and their definitions in easy language and a nice cartoon-like illustration by Harriet Barton accompanies each.

It looked really useful yet was in the shelf  where it stayed for months until I ran across these cute and simple printables while searching for ideas to use this book.

I'm sure DS would have read it and might've remembered a big part of it but these printables have helped him solidify a lot of that information. He understands what Continental Ridge, Mesa, Lagoon, and Palisade are can recognize them when he sees a picture.

 We started last September and did them off and on. We have completed about half of the book using the printables since we took a long break but we're back again. These printables are really just the Term and definition on the top with space to draw the picture followed by lines to copy. They are Free to download and use. All she asks is that we give her credit and link them to her blog. Thankyou Jenn :) from MamaJenn. This has helped incorporate Art, Copywork into Geography.

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